
Welcome Jess and Wulf!
The new year has brought two new group members. Wulf joins us from Regensburg for a research placement studying some low-valent iron chemistry, while Jess is starting the full-time portion of her MChem project developing "transition metal-like" redox-active Lewis acids.

New article in ChemSusChem
Another new paper and another first time in a new journal (ChemSusChem this time). Another result from our continuing work with the Wolf group, this publication pursued a new approach for us, and shows how direct (and even catalytic) oxidative transformations of P4 can be achieved using simple reagents while producing minimal stoichiometric waste.

New article in ChemCatChem
A new paper (our first in ChemCatChem) on a fresh topic: selective hydrosilylation of CO2 to a useful formaldehyde surrogate. This project originated in the Ashley group, with computational support from the Pápai group.

New article in Angew. Chem.
Another new paper in Angewandte Chemie, this time a continuation of our work with the Wolf group, also aided by the Gschwind and Beckmann groups.
This report investigates in detail how and why our recently reported hydrostannylation of white phosphorus actually works so well.

Welcome to our summer visitors!
This summer we are joined by five(!) visiting students who will be helping us explore a variety of research topics. Welcome, then, to Luis, Simon, Cambria, Alec and Ana!

UNESCO Day of Light seminar
An excellent series of fascinating talks at the University of Warwick to mark UNESCO's International Day of Light. A pleasure to have been invited to contribute!

New article in Angew. Chem.
Very pleased to have been able to contribute to this report led by the Wolf group, now out in Angewandte Chemie.
The article describes the photoreactivity of some simple 3d metal complexes as new catalysts for photoredox reactivity. Pre-assembly allows these complexes to display good photocatalytic activity despite having very short excited state lifetimes.

New article in Chem. Commun.
The next part of our project targeting the isolation of reduced forms of common catalysts for PRC has just been published in Chemical Communications and can be read here.
In this case we have focused on the Ru(bpy)3 scaffold, whose dication is arguably the archetypal photoredox catalyst.

Welcome Katie and Owen!
Continuing the theme of new group members: we are very happy to also be joined by our first cohort of master's project students, Katie and Owen.
Katie will be contributing to our ongoing work isolating important radical intermediates for photoredox catalysis, while Owen helps start up a new project on phosphine oxide chemistry.

Welcome Matt!
We are really excited to be joined by the group's first full PhD student, Matt, who has started in the lab this week having previously completed his MChem project in Oxford in the group of Prof. Dermot O'Hare.
Matt will be working on a project that aims to combine two highly topical fields of modern synthesis: photoredox catalysis, and molecular main group chemistry.

New article in ACS Catalysis
The first results of our work isolating the radical anion forms of common photoredox catalysts can now be read in ACS Catalysis, here.
We show how the availability of these key intermediates as authentic materials allows for convenient interrogation of complex - and controversial - photoredox mechanisms.

Welcome Noah!
A warm welcome to Noah, who is joining us in Bath from Guilford College in North Carolina for an eight week summer research placement, sponsored by the NSF.
Noah will be working with Sam on our ongoing project to isolate catalyst-derived radicals of mechanistic relevance to photoredox catalysis.

PhD position available
As part of our move to Bath, we have funding available to support a new PhD student in the group, starting in late 2023.
The successful applicant will have to chance to work on an entirely new project exploring the chemistry of electronically-unusual, molecular main group compounds, and their potential applications in transition metal-free catalysis.
Further details of the position can be found here, and applications are open until January 22nd. Initial, informal enquiries are also welcome, and can be sent to Daniel directly.

RSC Photophysics and Photochemistry Interest Group Early Career Event
Congratulations to Sam for another poster prize, this time from the RSC Photophysics and Photochemistry Interest Group's Early Career Meeting held this past Monday.
The event itself was a great opportunity to see some of the breadth of photochemical research being carried out by the UK's young researchers.

Moving to Bath
From January 2023 the Scott group is going to be based in its new home at the University of Bath, to coincide with Daniel taking up his new position as Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry.
Alongside the new department we are also keen to welcome new members, so if you are interested in any of our areas of research, please do get in contact.

PDRA Poster Symposium
Congratulations to Sam for being awarded one of the prizes in yesterday's PDRA Poster Symposium. Always great to get such a positive reaction to our research!

Part II 2022
Welcome to Chengyang, who is joining us this year to carry out her Part II project, which will contribute to our ongoing work studying the isolation and (photo)chemical reactivity of radical states derived from common photocatalysts. This work will include collaboration with the Faulkner group next door.

New glovebox
Our brand new MBraun glovebox has just finished installation and is ready to start use. Many thanks again to the John Fell Fund for support with funding.

New Chem. Eur. J. article
Our latest work with the Wolf group describes a convenient new method for the functionalisation of bench-stable red P to generate useful P1 products, and has just been published in Chem. Eur. J.
The article can be found here.

Chem. Comm. 2022 Emerging Investigators
Another manuscript accepted in Chem. Comm. for Marion!
This article was an invited contribution as part of the journal's 2022 Emerging Investigators collection, and was carried out by Marion in the Wolf group's labs in Regensburg. It can be found here.

UNIQ+ Summer Studentship
Welcome to Shaun Olok-Jacobs, who is joining the group for the summer before he completes his undergraduate studies at the University of Bristol. Many thanks to the OxICFM CDT and UNIQ+ outreach programme for supporting this placement.

Welcome to Oxford, Jose!
Jose is not a new face to the group, but is normally located in Regensburg as part of the Wolf group. However, he is joining us here in Oxford for the summer, where he will be exploring new avenues for his PhD research into the hydrostannylation of elemental phosphorus. Welcome, Jose!

IDK-PEC PhD position available
A new collaborative PhD opportunity is available working with the Barham group at the University of Regensburg, including a stay of up to six months working with us, here in Oxford. For more details, see here.
Update: applications for this position are now closed.

New Minireview in Angewandte Chemie
Just published in Angewandte Chemie: this Minireview describes the remarkable recent progress that has been made towards developing practical and efficient new methods for the direct transformation of P4 into useful, P-containing compounds. Hopefully this will be a useful resource for researchers working to drive further improvements in the area.

John Fell Fund support
We are very grateful to Oxford University Press who have provided us with funding through their John Fell Fund to allow us to buy a brand new, two-person glovebox to support our research portfolio.

New Royal Society Research Grant
A big thank you to the Royal Society for the award of a Royal Society Research Grant in the latest application round. The funds will allow us to acquire some state-of-the-art equipment for (spectro)electrochemical analysis of reactions and reagents of relevance to various research projects, and will particularly help us as we develop new, photoredox-mediated methods to induce reductive elimination at p-block element centres.

Welcome, Sam!
A warm welcome to Sam Horsewill, who joins as the group's first full postdoc! Sam joins from Glasgow where he completed his PhD studies with Joy Farnaby. Here in Oxford he will be working on the group's research at the interface between photoredox catalysis and synthetic inorganic chemistry.

Trendbericht Anorganik 2022
Nice to see our recent work on white phosphorus chemistry highlighted (again!) in the GDCh's Nachrichten aus der Chemie, this time as part of a report on recent trends in main group chemistry

Front cover for Marion
More good news for Marion, whose graphic about our recent TDAE chemistry has made it onto the front cover of Chem. Comm. - congrats!

Congratulations Marion!
A satisfying end to the academic year as Marion's paper has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications.
The research, which was carried out in the University of Regensburg's Wolf group, can be found here.

Postdoc position available
Funding is available in the group for an EPSRC-funded postdoctoral position lasting up to 30 months, researching the isolation of key radical intermediates for photoredox catalysis and the use of photoredox methods in N2 functionalisation. For more details, see here.
Update: applications for this position are now closed.

EPSRC Early Career Fellowship
Many thanks to the EPSRC for providing funding through the award of an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship, which formally began today!

New publication in Angewandte Chemie
Our work studying the mechanism of catalytic P4 arylation and developing procedures for the catalytic arylation of PH3 has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations to all those involved, including those in University of Regensburg's Wolf and Gschwind groups!
The article itself can be found here.

Congratulations Gabi!
Congratulations to Gabi Hierlmeier, whose work on the use of her newly-discovered diphosphatetrahedrane as a reliable source of rare 1,2-diphosphabutadiene ligands has just been published in Chem. Eur. J.
The article can be found here.
Congratulations Peter!
Congratulations to Peter Coburger, whose work on the preparation and reactivity of new bis(phosphanido) complexes of cobalt has been accepted for publication in Chem. Sci.
The paper can be found here.


Our research highlighted by German and Swiss chemical societies
Our recent publication describing a simple method for the direct and practical transformation of P4 into industrially relevant P1 compounds has been highlighted in this month's issue of Nachrichten aus der Chemie (the members' magazine of the GDCh, the German Chemical Society). This follows last month's highlighting of the same work in its Swiss equivalent Chemiextra.
Congratulations again to everyone who worked on this article, which can be found here.

New publication in Nature Chemistry
Our report of our recent breakthrough in the development of new and practical methods for the synthesis of industrially relevant P1 compounds directly from P4 has been accepted for publication in Nature Chemistry. Thanks and congratulations to everyone who has been involved in this project!
The publication can be found here.

New paper with the Barham group
Congratulations to our colleagues in the Barham group, whose work on the use of aminium cations as oxidising photocatalysts has just been published in Organic Chemistry Frontiers. We were able to contribute to this work by providing X-ray crystallographic analysis of the key radical cations and corresponding neutral amines.
The report can be found here.