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Samuel Horsewill

Postdoctoral researcher

Sam joined the group in 2022 after completing his PhD studies working with Joy Farnaby in Glasgow. He currently leads the group's EPSRC-funded work on the isolation of radical intermediates relevant to photoredox catalysis, and the use of photoredox methods for dinitrogen functionalisation.


Matthew Mundy

PhD student

Matt is a current PhD student in the group who joined in 2023 after completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Oxford. Matt is working on the use of light to drive reductive elimination at p-block element centres.


Outside the lab, Matt enjoys long distance running, reading, travelling and lacrosse.


Katie Sharrock

MSci student

Katie is a current undergraduate master's student studying Natural Sciences.


Outside of the lab, Katie enjoys participating in lots of music ensembles and running.


Owen Jones

MChem student

Owen is a final-year student working on methods to recycle phosphine oxides for his MChem project. In his third year, he worked as an applications development scientist at Malvern Panalytical.


Aside from chemistry, Owen enjoys running, tennis and spending time with his Border Collie, Joe.


Mattia Lepori

IDK-PEC PhD student

Mattia is a current Ph.D. student based in the Barham group at the University of Regensburg, Germany, where he works on our shared IDK-PEC project. His work deals with the development of new photo and/or electrochemical methods of strong bonds cleavages and C-C bond formations towards the synthesis of pharmaceutical, agrochemical and bioactive molecules.


Originally hailing from Italy, in his free time Mattia enjoys playing football and tennis.


Luis-Antonio Coelho-Figueredo

IDK-PEC PhD student

Luis is a current PhD student within the International Doctorate School in Photo-Electro Catalysis (IDK-PEC, by its acronym in German) funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, Germany. Formally based in the group of our collaboration partner Robert Wolf at the University of Regensburg, Luis is working to develop new methods for the catalytic functionalization of elemental phosphorus into useful products. His research focuses on the use of electrocatalytic strategies for oxidative and reductive white phosphorus activation. 


Originally from Venezuela, in his free time Luis enjoys a good read, going to the movies, hiking and spending time outdoors.



Jose Ricardo Cammarata

Postgraduate summer researcher 

Jose is normally based in the group of our collaboration partner Robert Wolf in Regensburg, so you can find more information about him below. However, he also joined us in Oxford for the summer to perform a part of his PhD research.


Shaun Olok-Jacobs

UNIQ+ summer student

Originally from South London, Shaun is in his final year of his MSci in Chemistry at the University of Bristol, but joined us over the summer for a placement supported by UNIQ+ and the OxICFM CDT. He is interested in synthetic chemistry and undertook a placement year synthesising deuterated organic carbonates as electrolytes for battery applications at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source.


Outside of the lab, Shaun enjoys cooking, reading, participating in outreach events, and playing American football.

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Chengyang Cao

Part II student

Chengyang joined the group in 2022 for her Part II project, studying the synthesis and photochemical behaviour of reduced forms of common ruthenium photocatalysts. This project also sees her working with our former neighbours in the Faulkner group.


Outside the lab, Chengyang enjoys drawing, going travelling and relaxing with friends.


Noah Dabney

NSF summer student

Noah Dabney is currently an undergraduate student studying at Guilford College in North Carolina, USA who joined the group as a part of an NSF sponsored summer research program. He is interested in medicinal chemistry and is hoping to attend medical school following his graduation. 


Outside of the lab, Noah primarily enjoys playing guitar and spending time outdoors

AK Wolf collaborators (Regensburg)


Jose Ricardo Cammarata

PhD student

Jose is a current PhD and former MSc student working to develop new methods for the efficient, direct transformation of elemental phosphorus into useful products. Formally based in the group of our collaboration partner Robert Wolf at the University of Regensburg, Jose's research focuses on the use of hydroelementation as a strategy for reductive phosphorus activation.


Originally hailing from Venezuela, in his free time Jose enjoys rum, baseball and relaxing with friends.


Marion Till

PhD student

Marion is a PhD student working in the Wolf group at the University of Regensburg. Alongside other Wolf group projects, Marion is contributing to our ongoing collaborative investigation of reductive white phosphorus activation, with a particular emphasis on the development of photocatalytic methods.


In her free time Marion enjoys doing sport climbing and yoga.


Martin Gawron

PhD student

Martin is a former master's student and current PhD student in the Wolf group at the University of Regensburg. The focus of Martin's PhD is the development of photocatalytic methods for the direct functionalisation of white phosphorus, as part of our ongoing collaboration in this area.


Outside work, Martin likes playing handball, meeting with friends, cooking, and baking.


Maximilian Schimpf

Master's student (former)

As a master's student in the Wolf group at the University of Regensburg, Maxi's research was dedicated to our ongoing collaborative investigation of white phosphorus hydroelementation, as a method for the direct generation of useful P-containing products. During this time Maxi worked on the first examples of catalytic reactivity developed using this strategy, among several other areas.


After completing this work in 2020, Maxi moved on to a PhD position in the group of Julia Rehbein.


Ajdin Velić

Master's student (former)

Ajdin was a master's student investigating the catalytic transformation of white phosphorus in the lab of our collaboration partner Robert Wolf in the University of Regensburg. Ajdin's research is focused on the development of oxidative strategies to activate elemental P, to complement our existing reductive strategies. For these efforts he was awarded the University's DAAD Prize for International Students.


Following successful completion of his project, Ajdin has since moved on to a PhD position in Göttingen with Prof. Franc Meyer.

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